I have to admit that I’m more accustomed to compose DAX statements, than using more complex functions or writing custom functions in M.
Whenever, I start to write a function I’m struggling more with the syntax than with the algorithm I want to implement. I assume that with the introduction of Datamarts I will use M more frequently in the future.
For this reason I decided to start a small series about more complex functions and the writing of user defined functions. There are a lot of brilliant blogs out there that cover certain aspects in great detail, or provide an awesome introduction to M. Nevertheless, most of the time I start out with the blog by Ben Gribaudo (twitter/linkedin). On his blog Ben has a lot of articles describing the nature of M and its intricate workings, I consider this a good start:
In my first blog post about Power Query I describe how to use the function List.Accumulate to convert an ip4 address into a numeric value.
Here you will find this writing: