Power BI Service · 30. April 2024
This article is solely about one question: what has to be done if a content creator needs to create and publish Power BI reports, but the content creator is not allowed to see all the data from the semantic model?
Power BI Service · 24. September 2023
I love building Power BI solutions, solutions that help my colleagues make better decisions. I’m very much interested in the overall data architecture and love creating data models that sometimes look like a star, but they often don’t because there are more than six tables 😱. To feed these models with data, sometimes we have to do heavy data massaging, and sometimes we don’t need to. The content creation starts when the model is done (at least for a few months). This last step is often...
Power BI Service · 19. August 2023
You have to pay for sharing. The more you want, the more you have to pay. It's about container and capabilities.
Power BI Service · 12. August 2023
This is not only how I use a SQL Server instance with my new MacBook Pro setup, but this is also how to integrate a remote Azure SQL virtual machine into your Power BI tenant.
Power BI Service · 12. Juni 2023
We are all aware that data must travel when we want to share insights throughout the organization enabling actionable decision-making by using Power BI reports. But sometimes it's tempting to overlook some important details when it comes to data travel, these details are the distance the data must travel and crossing the border of an Azure data center. We may call it freedom when crossing a border, other may call this egress.
Power BI Service · 03. April 2021
Here I will describe how to buy a brand new SKU, namely the Power BI Premium Per User Add-on. This SKU can be used to upgrade existing Power BI Pro licenses, either if you purchased a Pro license separately or together with an M365 E5 subscription, if you want to unlock new capabilities. The purchase is rather simple, just go to the M365 Admin portal purchase the necessary number of licenses and assign the Add-on to existing users that already have a Power BI Pro license assigned. BE AWARE (1),...
Power BI Service · 03. Januar 2021
One of the most exciting things about being a Power BI service administrator is watching what's going on inside the service. This blog starts a series of articles on how to create your own Service Monitoring application using Power BI.
Power BI Service · 29. November 2020
This is the start of a series of articles that explain why the Power BI service admin can be considered being an agent of change helping enterprises becoming a data-enabled organization.