Power Query · 19. März 2023
An introduction to M data structures and how understanding these structures helps to apply more complex transformations to your data.
Power Query · 29. Mai 2022
Retrieve values from remote tables inside a query step (anonymous function / inline function)
Power Query · 02. Juni 2021
The other day I was facing an interesting question "How can I randomly draw ten records from the top 50 for each group using Power Query?" As you may guess, this article also contains the answer.
Power Query · 18. Januar 2021
I tend to create tables using M or a combination of point-and-click and M, because these tables are treated as base tables if the model is refreshed and for this reason these tables will benefit from all the compression magic, whereas tables created using DAX are not that well compressed.
Power Query · 27. Juli 2018
Using a custom function in Power Query M to convert an ip4 address into a numeric value, with the help of List.Accumulate